Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Joy

Today the sunshine smile at me and the wind caress my skin, it gave me so much joy. It was like life was smiling with me from the inside. The funnies thing about it is, I dont have a job at the moment, I dont have that much money either, I am not in love as I dont have a boyfriend and I dont even have alot of health at the moment and I'm very very very happy.

Friday, March 19, 2010


Ex's. People always say an ex is and ex for a reason, what if that reason was just made out assumption. I assume something and well I broke the relationship, without listening to excuses. As usual I stop talking to my ex's, I like cutting them out of my life actually. 5 years later this ex reappears and we are just talking. We have not seen each other. He keeps making remarks about the relationship and how he is not married yet and so on and I FEEL that there might be something growing again.

But my question is how do you know if your ex is into you again? can you be just friends, even if it has being years (4-5)? Is a little confusing. He said that he was happy to be single and that it scared him very much, that he is happy that way. WELL that makes no sense. some guys are real confusing.

Any way that is all for today
Love always

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Today I had a hell of a day. I had being feeling nausaous and have gastro (due to some illness I might talk about in the future). It was hard because I felt alot of people were actually cutting me out, I was trying to tell things and I felt like no one wanted to hear me!! so frustrated. Any way so I decided that I should talk to the person who usually and I will actually put it in bold usually doesnt cut me out, but to my surprise he too isnt having a good day and didnt cut me out but was rather blunt and not so supportive about the situation.

Regardless of all this, I actually being in a very positive mood, Im amazed about it because Im trying to also quit smoking and I actually shouldnt be in such a good mood but I am. I have work myself to only having a smoke a day. It has being 3 days and I have one had ONE SMOKE each other, hopefully I will work myself up to no smokes at all.

Any way as the progressed I have being thinking.. what is true love? I come to the conclusion that True Love is the type of love that is unconditional. when you love someone so much that no matter how far you are or if they are with someone else or if they mad or if they get impatient and frustrated with you, you still know that you will be there for each other and that you love each other regardless. I know someone with who I feel that way towards and I have surender to that. I dont know if we would ever have a relationship but for now his friendship and his kind words and his support mean alot to me.

So my dear friends, surender to love and it will surender to you!
Love Always

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

who knows.

Dont you find it amazing when you feel powerful and so confident about the way you say things? well today I felt that way. It feels great when I find the right words to talk to someone about a delicate situation. It amazes me how sometimes the words just flow and we are able to express our self in a very confident manner without hurting the other person.

I find that communication is so important in finding the right way to say things is the key to getting ahead sometimes. I have my moment when words would just flow in a way that sometimes I dont even want to stop talking.. however I also have those days where everything I say just comes out as a desaster. YIKES!!!

Have you ever felt the sun smiling at you? I know that might sound a little crazy but Im serious sometimes you wake up and you just feel so rediant.. I feel like that right now and well Im going to sleep.

Hope you all have a great evening.
Smile.. is contagious
Love always

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ones upon a time.

I had thought all day about my blog and what my next post should be and well as the day progressed it come to me. Sometimes in life we meet a wonderful person, someone who is kind and really cares about us and we are attracted to them. But what happens when they seem to cage you in?. When I was younger I used to be like that, I wanted to be with someone 24/7 and I couldnt understand why they didnt want to talk to me all the time, why didnt they want to see me all the time? didnt they like me? didnt they feel what I was feeling?

Well we all know life works in wonderful way, the tables have turned. A few months ago, November to be precised I met someone. He is a wonderful man and he is a great catch but I find that I feel trapped with him, I love a sensitive guy but I have discovered Im not so keen on a emotinal guy (big difference). We dated for a few months and out of no where he vanished, we didnt speak for a whole month. At the begining I was frustrated because I really did like him, Then I got upset and finally I got over it and moved on.

Today however he called me, he had a very valid reason as to why he has gone missing but I dont feel the same any way and I realize how trapped I feel with him. I know this might sound a little crazy but I always thought he would grow on me and at some point, he did. I also grew used to the idea that he wanted a steady relationship and something serious, I think that was one of the things that I got caugh up in the most. He wanted to get married and he would support me in all the ways possible.. including financially (which I felt very uncomfortable about sometimes as I was in a situation that I needed it, but I didnt want to be compromised).

The conversation today was left unfinished, but now that I have had time to think about it, I dont think I can do it any more. I believe in love to much, I love when 2 people find each other and they just fit. So lets put this as an analogy, He is a beautiful shoe, it's comfortable, it's the right price, it matches with some of my outfits but it doesnt fit, it doesnt come in my size.

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Beginning

I've always enjoy writting and I would love to be a writter one day, I just doubt myself about it alot sometimes. I'm reading a book called One fifth avenue and one of the characters actually does a blog, I never thought much of blogging to be honest even though I am only 22 I find it some what confusing but now I have embrase the blogging world.

I can get very emotional and passionate sometimes about the things that I write and mostly they are just my opinion and how I feel about things in general, specially about life and love. I would love for people to actually share their opinions and how they feel about the things I share with you.

My idea would be to post something on a daily bases but it might happen more offend or I might not post anyhing for a few days, also my post might be a little length but I will try to keep them short but if they are length please stay with me, one more things if you dont like what I write you are entitle to your own openion and I will respect that but I will really appreciate it if you post it in a positive manner. Saying "it sucks" doesnt give me anything to go on with, give me your thoughts and how you feel about what I writte.

I hope you enjoy reading my post.
Love always