Saturday, January 8, 2011

Fears and Insecurities

How much do we allow our fears to play with our mind? how much do we then allow our mind to tame our feelings and finally diminish our fire. I am a very passionate woman, I believe to have a flame in my heart and I have never being able to subside it. I finally realize that I don't want to, why would I want to kill the passion that drives me to be me.

I do get afraid and I can be fragile and there are days where I really don't know what to do with myself because I do have insecurities to deal with. The more I see them and the more I am actively discovering me as a person as a woman that feels with a tremendous passion, I come to the realization that I'm not alone. Yes we all carry insecurities and fear around us all day, there is no reason why deny it. Why have we allowed society and our way of life to robe us from the truth? YES WE ARE ALL AFRAID. we fear different thing but we are all afraid of something and that fear drive us to feel insecure and I have discover that it's okay. Yes.. it's okay to be afraid, it's okay to feel that your heart hurts and that it's burden. It is just a matter of how much you allow your fear to take over you and gain the understanding that it will soon pass whatever it is.

I have allow my fears to drive me to the most darkest places in my mind and heart, I have suffered not because of my past or what other people have done to me but because I allowed my fears to do so. So I won't tell you that I no longer fear and I wont say that I don't have insecurities but I'm learning to deal with them. I'm finding ways and things that help me realize how much power I have over them. How my fire doesn't need to me tame but needs to be allow to breath and flourish. It is in this fire that I defeat my fear, I wont lie I still get afraid and I still have many insecurities but I don't allow them to paralyse me any more. I don't give them the chance to break me down to tears. I have learnt that I can use that fear to produce courage. To be able to achieve things I might never thought possible. at the end of the day what is the worse thing that can happen!? and if it does.. doesn't life go on?

So I don't hide my fear because I let my passion, my fire deal with them.

1 comment:

  1. wow gal, u are a gifted writer!!! i love this so much!!!you are right whats the worst that cud happen???fear is not for you..u are too strong and Blessed for that..i love this loads!!!
