Sunday, February 6, 2011


Today I realized how the simple life leads to a sense of completeness I have found that there are 3 very foundamental stages:

Build a relationship with God.
No is not about being religious, no it is not about following rules is about building a relationship with God.. getting to know God.. allowing him to take care of you and your life.. and serving him in whichever way you can possibly do. If you can give money then give money, if you can fast something in your life or quit it all together then do it, if you pray then go ahead and pray.. but always keep in mind it is not done out of a routine or to look or feel good.. do it because you want to encounter God in a deeper level, because you want to seek him because you want more of him, you want living water to be pour onto your spirit.
Do it and build a relationship with God through the right door.. 1st Christ 2nd your heart. Open the door to Christ allow yourself to be in him and then allow him to take over you.. your door, your heart.

Love yourself.
If you are like I was and dont know how to and you always wonder how do I love myself.. well let me tell you start by faking it you gonna love it so much it will come from within. You were made, you were created, you were NOT manufactured in some company/organization. You are the master piece of an artists, you are the winning piece. Love the things that you dont find attractive they STILL make you who you are. Seek solitude, just be by yourself, enjoy you own company, sing (even if you cant like me), dance, do whatever you need to do but appreciate yourself. DO things that show you that you love you.. I do my hair, my nail, make up, I moisturize daily, I drink plenty of water, I stopped heavily drinking, stopped smoking, get enough sleep.. really do the thing that tell you that you love you and you will see a big difference in your life.

Fall in love.
When I said completeness I never mean it was gonna be easy. NEVER be afraid to fall in love no matter the circumstances specially if the person you fall in love with brings you right back and builds on stage number 1 and 2 (mind you they dont have to happen in order but it does help). I BELIEVE IN LOVE, being in love is the best thing that can happen to any one, staying in love however is a magical encounter with 1 person each and every day. Is seeing the other person for who and just what they are right now, who they were and who they will be and still appreciating them. Learning to love their flaws because it makes them who they are... it makes them that master piece of the artist. RELATIONSHIPS however are about putting work and efford BUT most of all is about APPRECIATING and RESPECTING each other as well as SHOWING love and affection. If you want to stay in love and have a relationship you MUST allow GOD to be the CENTER of that union, to be the TOWER, the PILAR and the ROCK and make each other a priority.

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